All that I'm after is a LIFE full of laughter, as long as I'm laughing with YOU!

Oct 12, 2010

It's always a suprise

That is one consistent thing about scrapstachers at the Little Blue House. This week we were to bring 12 - 1x12 strips of papers. One set Halloween and one set Holiday or fall. It turned out to be great fun.
I look forward to the next class!


Anonymous said...

Those are SO cute! Wish I had gone. Definitely will try to go to the next one!

Melissa said...

I found you on two peas and now I'm a follower - I would love for you to check out my blog:


DeeDee said...

Your all turned out great too...I am so hooked on scrapstashers now

Tracy said...

Its always fun to scrap in a group, usually lots of laughs :)